Postnatal visit to Dr Tsakok - Mycoplasma
Back to see Dr Tsakok to review my blood test as well as swab test results.
The swab test done is not the usual type.
The typical swab test is usually done at vagina level. Mine was done at the cervix.
Also to test if there’s other type of infection, not just the typical yeast infection that ladies commonly get.
Frankly, have not done such test by other gynaecologists before.
Dr Tsakok is really detailed, thanks to May for recommending me to see her.
Though her charges ain’t cheap, but being detailed is important. It at least enable us to know what are the underlying problems and how we can combat them.
The result reflect that i do have the infection (mycoplasma).
This strain of bacteria attack the cells inside the cervical walls, vaginal walls and affect the hormones as well.
There might be some discharges and perhaps some fishy smell, but most of the time, symptomless.
This infection can be spread to spouse (and vice-versa), thus important that both parties get the test done and then treatment can be done, to ensure both are cleared.
This infection will actually cause infertility, and also can result in miscarriage since it affected cells.
Seems this might be the culprit for my loss. :(
The blood test done is quite detailed as it unravelled some others issue too.
Next up, Eben to produce semen for her to analyse before determining which lab to send to. Mainly to see if he has the infection as well.
Dr Tsakok is one of the few that is also trained in male infertility….
The next few visits will be start of treatment, and hopefully, in time to come, to resume with our baby journey.
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