Book of Job - repentance and restoration

Was reading the book, "A broken heart still beats", when I got urged to read the book of Job.

The book mentioned about Job losing everything, his possession and death of his children (7 sons 3 daughters).
He still hold upon his integrity and though he seems to complain (well, am still trying to understand), but at the end, Job repented and restoration took place in his life by the Lord (Job 42:12-13).

Whatever he lost, he gained back double in terms of possession, and he also had 7 sons 3 daughters.

Somehow, the Lord is telling me, what we lost, it will be restored.
I know the Lord is able, but its me myself, I dare not think in "that area". 

For now, i prayed for restoration of faith and trust, and a healing heart for me.
I prayed too, for health and grace to fill me and Eben.
I prayed too, for better understanding of the Lord through His words for me and Eben.
I prayed too, for sakal wisdom to fill me and Eben.
I prayed too, for peace to fill me and Eben.
I prayed too, that fear will not and shall not have any hold or dominion over me and Eben.

I know we are already forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ.
We are no longer condemned. 
We have been made righteous and justified through the blood of Jesus Christ.

All these in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


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