My 3 Angel Babies, Sarah, Sammi, Samuel

I had pondered for a while, on whether to show their photos here in this blog or to keep them close to my heart.

Decided i should, because they are our children and this blog belongs to them too.

Also, i really want to show them to others, they were such beautiful children.

I actually did up this college of them during my stay in hospital. Can't sleep at night, what best way to remembering them by doing up a photo college.

Aren't they lovely?
My Sarah, Sammi and Samuel.

Sarah, our first-born.. She had her daddy's thick eyebrows... 
We held her in our arms till she breathed her last @ week22+3.
That was on Dec 6, 2014.

Sammi, our second-born.. She had the same birthmark as her daddy, at her earlobe! 
How cute!
She was born still-born, and as i was just wheeled out after the e-cserean (shivering still from the epidural effect), we didn't manage to take much photos of her. 

Samuel, our third-born, he was brought to NICU once he was lifted out of me, to try to give him the best survival rate as can be.

He had actually opened his eyes when he was in NICU, though on the strongest mode for the ventilator. 
He lived and fought on for a day and fourteen hours.

Sammi and Samuel's birthday fell on 27 Oct 2015 @ week25+2.

Here, a closer look of Samuel, as his face was partially cropped in the college.

Don't he looked charming yet peaceful? My boy, my baby boy...

Mummy missed three of you so much.
To be frank, i do miss Samuel more, perhaps when he was born and after knowing after his sister's death, he had gave us hope and strength to carry on, rooting for him to fight on too.

Though eventually he left to be with the God, we had already bonded so tight, so tight.

No words can say how much I loved them.
No words can say how much i missed them.

In less than a year, we are parents to 3 children, yet not able to hold them in a physical manner.
In less than a year, we suffered 3 losses, the agony and pain, no words can describe.

The only one thing that keep us sane, is knowing we will get to meet them in heaven one day.

My 3 children, wait for daddy and mummy, okay? we will meet soon... 


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