Cerlage Op: thoughts

Selfie while waiting for op theatre to be available.

This is the third time I got wheeled to an operating theatre. 
First was cerlage too, done August last year at Raffles Hospital.

Second was for caesarean, done Oct last year at Kkh.

Today, cerlage again, but this time at Kkh.

I do dread and worried whenever I'm wheeled in. Quite a terrifying experience.

First time was total GA, second was epidural, now is half body, which makes it more terrifying!

But my doctor feel it will be better, for me and definitely for baby to be half body and not full.

I definitely hope no more next time.

The recovery wasn't that bad, except the feeling of numbness at lower body can be quite uncomfortable. 
Glad the sensation went off in about 2hours, leaving the mid-body still partial numb.

Glad baby's still moving actively prior and after the operation, which is why I'm glad it's half body, I get to see baby wellness.

With drip on.

Moving on, I supposed just has to take things slow, but I will still be working.
My doctor (Dr Ann Wright) believe in behaving as per normal in pregnancies.

Shall try to have more regular updates here.

"Try" is the word used. 😊


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