Baby movement

5 Oct 2016

The highlight of the pregnancy, is when can finally feel baby moving inside me!
Despite being a 3rd time mom, i can only be sure and firm its baby moving/stroking/kicking me when I'm almost at week 20!

I account that to having too much tummy fats, thus not able to feel early. *bleh*

* picture from google

Start feeling (the obvious feeling) on 30 Sep, with three taps.
Next few days get more obvious, and perhaps, because the awareness is there, can identify the movement even better.

Or perhaps little bud has a spurt growth, and the movement gets bigger?
Most of the time is when i'm lying down.

Though at times while working, especially when bladder is getting full, can feel some nudges too.

Also, little bud like to lie low, most of the movements is near to pelvic area.
only once/twice near to belly button.

I would prefer little bud to nudge higher up though.. 

*Psst.. baby, you got the hint?*


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