Keeping one hydrated and healthy - combat against dehydration / preterm issues

Never had i hydrated myself so much, until now.
At least 2 litre of plain water a day (excluding beverages like milk, soups, fruit juice, herbs)

Why is it important?

- keep myself hydrated 
- ensure the constant visitation to the loo, helps to clear whatever bacteria/virus that is hiding inside the body
- keep / counter / combat / reduce pre-term issue
# apparently drinking sufficient water can reduce the possibility of pre-term, as well keeping contractions at bay
Dehydration can cause preterm symptoms and contractions
Click to Read here for more information

So here's my daily supply, at least 1.5 bottle of this 
one bottle is 1.5 litre (i think), so i try to take a minimum of 2 litre a day. at times i can go up to 2 bottles a day

Though it can be quite disruptive to work (the constant visit to loo every 1-2 hours?), health is more important, don't you think?

important to go loo when required, as holding onto is bad and can cause infection and trigger contractions too.. 

Of course not forgetting daily intake of fruits.
I do try to take my supplements (multi-vitamins) daily , but it is always better to get from the nature source.

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!


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