Baby Joash's first haircut

It is typical for a baby to have their first haircut, before they turn 1 month old.
In chinese customs, when born with hair, it is from the womb, not that clean.

Thus a ritual to cut away to symbolise a fresh start.
Abit hesitant, but since its a boy, no harm i guess? :p

Although, after cutting, i feel some sadness.. Joash don't look as cute lah...

Luckily, hair should grow quite fast for them...

My aunt specially came over to help him to shave. Well, not considered a shave, as there's 1 mm of hair left. Wahaha..

Here's some photos of Baby Joash!

While been shaven, he is actually sleeping. My baby koala bear...

Before and after!
Looks different, don't you think?

Aww.. He is still very cute! My baby Joash!

Ohh.. the mat! Its not a bedsheet but called happy mat.
A mat that can absorb water and ensure baby won't be uncomfortable.

Joash at times will puke milk out, and the current one he is using, though water-proof (won't dirty the mattress) but will make his cheek wet... and long term won't be good for him.

It is actually quite cooling.

(This mat is initially meant for pets... but it is good for babies, mummies during their confinement, elderly or whoever want to lie on something cooling too.)

This is another design that i got.
Quite nice.

The other side of mat can be used, especially on cold weather as it is flurry.
So far, Joash seems fine lying on it. Didn't fuss much (meaning don't feel hot)

Yet try out how absorbent the mat is. But should be good, i hope.


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